Attached is the slide packs from the weekend and the Key Points raised.
Ser 6 D Comd HQ RC Brief
a. Target set to improve SR shooting to deliver better performance at CISSAM.
b. L144 is the stepping-stone to all other shooting, make use of it and develop young shots.
c. Thank you to all those who volunteer to develop shooting as a core skill in the ACF.
Ser 8 HQ RC Update
a. G4
• There are extra CTRs available if required indent via QM
• QM Hard guide on ammunition and pyro is a guide not a set allocation if an increase is required just bid for more.
• Movement of Arms and Ammo max is 2 Vehicles 4 pax, use MOD Hire Fleet where required.
• Movement in private vehicles is possible but Section 1 only.
• EFR are vital to proving issues with weapons in the Cadet Forces.
b. Training
• New syllabus briefed in detail.
• Cadets will have a new pathway up to Master Cadet requiring use of all weapons at some stage, but can at 4* specialise in TR or SR.
• Bde Coaching cse to CFAVs is still required to be run attendance is not mandated but the course must be run annually for those that wish to attend.
Ser 10 CCRS Competitions overview
a. Details of all events on website
b. Increased participation in competitions can be more widely increase by shooting concurrent cards.
c. SR Shoots must go to SARTS format to assist CFAVs running ranges. CISSAM shoots review confirmation 18 Feb post ISRMC meeting
d. Clay policy is under review, current policy (2016) remains extant, Army Policy does not apply to cadets.
Ser 13 L144 Range session
Accurate rifle that has some teething issues, once reported and faults rectified it becomes a good introductory rifle for SR and TR.
Ser 16 SASC Q&A
a. CTR will be updated with RSD Ver number
b. RSDs and RASPs require wet signatures.
Ser 20 Future Coaching Structure
a. Feedback is vital to this unique opportunity to rewrite all our shooting training.
b. Low-level courses ran at Bde and County level strengthen coaching and provide an important introduction to shooting for CFAVs.