The first British Cadet Rifle Team of 12 cadets visited Canada in 1910; 6 cadets came from public schools and 6 came from territorial cadet units. This visit was reciprocated by Canadian cadets in 1911. The name Atheling is Anglo-Saxon for young prince or lord. It was first introduced to describe the British Cadet Rifle Team in 1928 and has remained ever since.
An Association for former Athelings – known as The Athelings’ Association – was formed in 1998 following a proposal from Colin Grafton who was the 1997 Commandant. The current officers of the Association are:
President – Rex Goddard
Chairman – Nigel Suffield-Jones
Membership – James Postle
Secretary/Treasurer – General Secretary CCRS
Life membership costs £20 and provides the following benefits:
Receipt of 2 Association bulletins per year
Access to tour reports
Invitation to the Association AGM and annual BBQ
Eligibility to enter the annual Colin Grafton memorial match
Former Athelings who are not Association members but who wish to join should contact